Here is a shirt design Kortnee McKinnon made for us...
I hope to add a couple more designs on here so we can have a variety to choose from.
Hello my lovely blogging friends. This post is going to be a little bit random. I have yet to add a post so i figured i could. so basically summer is officially over due to everyone leaving or going back to school. well u know what that means...In a couple months the SD-CREW will be hitting the slopes again. I dunno if any blogger friends are interested but I'm looking to make some shirts of our crew. Hopefully this will happen within the next few months so we can have some product while we ski/board. If anyone is interested in designing or buying a shirt let me know or add us on myspace ( so i say lets make the best of the rest of the time till ski season. Mad Props to our crew that traveled to GNP i was unable to make it but heard it was sicktor. till next time kids...
supa sick shirt bra. we should get that printed on some tall tees son
aw man my design is cut off half way :(
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